United States and Uruguay update and improve citrus and blueberries export programs for Uruguayan producers
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A delegation from the Inspection Service of Animal and Plant Health of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA - APHIS) visited Uruguay to meet with authorities of the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and directors of the Union of Producers and Exporters of Fruits of Uruguay (UPEFRUY) in order to review the export programs of blueberries and citrus to the United States.
During the visit, in addition to meeting with the General Direction of Agriculture Services (DGSA) of the MGAP, the US delegation also visited the cargo operators of the Rossi Cargo Group at the Carrasco airport. During these meetings, modifications were agreed on the programs for a better export operation that will benefit Uruguayan producers in terms of access to ports and improvements in the conditioning and quality of the fruit.
About export of fruit from Uruguay to the United States
The fruit sector in Uruguay meets the demanding health requirements of the USDA APHIS for the export of blueberries to the United States since 2007 and for citrus fruits since 2013.
The USDA-APHIS requirements are strictly verified by the MGAP
In 2018, Uruguay exported more than 23 million dollars of citrus fruit and more than four million dollars of blueberries to the United States.
Since 2007, fresh blueberry exports from Uruguay to the United States total between seven and nine million dollars a year, adding more than sixty exports since the opening of the market and USA is the main destination of Uruguayan exports of this fruit.
These Uruguayan fruits of excellent quality are available to American consumers at an appropriate price, and without risking the sanitary status of the US fruit sector.
The fruit sector in Uruguay employs hundreds of permanent workers in the field and plant, in addition to thousands of saplings in harvest, also occupying many transport workers, certifying inspectors and export operators.
In addition to benefiting Uruguay's economy, these exports also create jobs in the United States associated with unloading operations in ports and airports, as well as distribution and marketing.
Oficiales del USDA APHIS:
Matthew Rhoads, Executive Director of Policy Management, USDA-APHIS-PPQ
Robert Johnson, South America Area Director for Preclearance and Offshore Programs, USDA-APHIS-PPQ
Jennifer Smythe, Director of Preclearance and Offshore Programs (POP), USDA-APHIS-PPQ
Jorge Fischer, Supervisor Inspector for Preclearance Programs, USDA-APHIS-PPQ